
Weather Phenomena

  • Various Weather Conditions (各种天气条件): Familiarise with vocabulary for different types of weather such as sunny (晴朗), cloudy (多云), rainy (雨), stormy (风暴), etc.
  • Weather Descriptions (天气描述): Learn to describe weather conditions in detail. For instance, light rain (小雨), heavy rain (大雨), clear sky (晴空), strong wind (强风), etc.

Impact of Weather

  • Effect on Daily Activities (对日常活动的影响): Understand how weather can affect daily activities. For example, sunny weather might be good for outdoor activities (户外活动), while stormy weather might cause disruptions (干扰).
  • Influence on Culture and Lifestyle (对文化和生活方式的影响): Different cultures have unique ways of adapting to their local weather. For example, siesta (午睡) is popular in southern China because of the hot afternoon weather.
  • Weather and Health (天气和健康): The weather can impact our health. For instance, we might catch a cold (感冒) in cold weather or get heatstroke (中暑) in hot weather.

Meteorological Science

  • Weather Forecasting (天气预报): Learn vocabulary related to weather forecasting such as high pressure (高压), low pressure (低压), weather satellite (气象卫星), and forecast accuracy (预报准确性).
  • Climate Change (气候变化): Understand the term climate change and its related vocabulary like global warming (全球变暖), greenhouse gases (温室气体), and carbon footprint (碳足迹).

Preparing for Weather Conditions

  • Dressing for the Weather (为天气而着装): Understand the phrase “dressing for the weather” (为天气着装) and be able to talk about appropriate clothing for different weather conditions.
  • Weather Emergencies (天气紧急情况): Learn about weather-related emergencies such as floods (洪水), typhoons (台风), or heatwaves (热浪), and how to stay safe during these occurrences.