Various artistic styles

Understanding Various Artistic Styles

  • Art styles are categorised based on their distinctive features, techniques, and aesthetics.
  • They offer a framework within which to study, compare and contrast artworks.
  • Just as historical periods, styles are also influenced by socio-political and cultural influences of their time.

Key Features of Different Artistic Styles

Abstract Art

  • Abstract Art is non-representational, it does not attempt to present an accurate depiction of visual reality.
  • It explores the relationships of shapes and colours, often looking to evoke emotions or capture a feeling or experience.
  • Prominent abstract artists include Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian.


  • Impressionism aims to translate the overall impression or experience of a particular scene, frequently depicting everyday life.
  • Distinctive for its loose brushwork and emphasis on lighting and colour over detail.
  • Representatives include Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir.


  • Cubism, pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, presents various perspectives of a subject simultaneously or fragments them geometrically.
  • Considered as one of the most influential styles of the 20th century.


  • Surrealism, defined by its exploration of dreams, the subconscious, and the irrational, often utilises bizarre, illogical, or fantastical imagery.
  • Artists associated include Salvador Dali and René Magritte.

Pop Art

  • Pop Art emerged in the mid-20th century as a critique of consumerist culture, using imagery from popular and mass culture, like advertising, comic books, and mundane cultural objects.
  • Figures like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein are key to this style.

Analysing Artworks within Artistic Styles

  • Critical analysis of artistic styles involves studying the artwork’s characteristics, techniques, motifs, and other distinctive aspects.
  • Understanding styles helps to contextualise art within its art history and socio-cultural milieu.

Comparison Across Artistic Styles

  • Comparing artworks from different styles can elucidate the development of visual idioms, techniques, materials, and artistic intent.
  • This comparison becomes a tool to construct an artistic continuum, charting progress and delineating shifts in visual aesthetics and expression.

Taking a closer look at various artistic styles broadens your understanding of art as a whole, and helps to foster an analytical and discerning approach towards art interpretation.