Number Theory: Finite (modular) arithmetics

Number Theory: Finite (modular) arithmetics

Understanding Finite (Modular) Arithmetic

  • Finite (Modular) arithmetic, also known as clock arithmetic, is a system of arithmetic for integers where numbers “wrap around” after they reach a certain value, the modulus.
  • The basic idea of finite arithmetic involves performing usual arithmetic, but at the end of the operation, the result is always taken modulo m, where m is the modulus.
  • The operation a mod m gives the remainder r after a is divided by m. This is represented as a ≡ r (mod m), meaning a and r are congruent modulo m.

Properties of Modular Arithmetic

  • In modular arithmetic, equivalence classes are used to cluster integers together. All integers in the same class are congruent to each other modulo m.
  • Modular arithmetic has the closure property. If a and b are integers and m is the modulus, then (a+b) mod m and (a.b) mod m both result in integers.
  • It also obeys commutativity, associativity, and distributivity. This means arithmetic operations can be rearranged without changing the result, similar to normal arithmetic.
  • However, regular division is not valid in modular arithmetic. It has a different definition namely multiplicative inverse which is more complex.

Applications of Modular Arithmetic

  • Finite arithmetic has numerous applications in computing, cryptography, and various branches of mathematics.
  • It is significantly used in public key cryptosystems, including RSA, a widely-used public-key cryptosystem for secure data transmission.
  • Modular arithmetic is vital in computing for efficient calculations and handling the overflow of numerical data.

Solving Problems using Finite Arithmetic

  • Addition, subtraction and multiplication in finite arithmetic work the same as in ordinary arithmetic, but when you get your answer, you divide by the modulus and keep only the remainder.
  • Division in modular arithmetic involves finding an inverse. If you want to divide by a number, you instead multiply by its modular inverse.
  • The modular inverse of a modulo m is a number x such that ax ≡ 1 (mod m). If such an x exists, it can be found using the extended Euclidean algorithm.

Finite Arithmetic and Number Theory

  • Finite arithmetic is a cornerstone in the field of number theory. It offers a simplified framework for studying the properties of integers that makes it easier to prove theorems.
  • It forms the basis for Euler’s theorem and Fermat’s little theorem, two fundamental theorems in number theory.
  • The concept of congruence in finite arithmetic is pivotal in understanding number theoretic functions and modular forms.

Finite Arithmetic and Cryptography

  • In cryptography, modular arithmetic forms the basis for algorithms to create keys and encrypt messages in cryptosystems.
  • The RSA cryptosystem works on the principle of modular arithmetic, exploiting the difficulty of factoring large primes.
  • A firm understanding of finite arithmetic enables better comprehension of cryptographic algorithms and encryption techniques.