Extension Strategies

Extension Strategies

Definition and Purpose

  • Extension strategies are methods used by businesses to prolong the life cycle of a product and delay its decline.
  • The main objective is to maintain revenue and profitability for as long as possible.

Types of Extension Strategies

Product Development

  • This involves introducing new features or improving the existing ones in a product.
  • For instance, a software company might add new functionalities to its existing product.

New Market

  • This strategy attempts to appeal to a new demographic or geographic market.
  • For example, a clothing brand might start selling in a different country or to a different age group.


  • This implies a company changing its advertising or pricing strategies to attract more customers.
  • This could involve more intense advertising or bundling products with a price discount.


  • Businesses might decide to change aspects of the brand or product, like packaging, logo or name.
  • It could help breathe new life into a product if the current branding isn’t appealing to consumers anymore.

Importance of Extension Strategies

  • Extension strategies help to increase the lifespan of a product and delay the point at which it falls into decline or is discontinued.
  • They can be a cost-effective way of maintaining a product in the market.
  • They can give businesses extra time to develop new products and transition smoothly without losing revenue.

Risks and Challenges

  • There can be significant costs associated with implementing extension strategies.
  • There is also a risk that the strategy will not be successful and the product will still decline.
  • Additionally, extension strategies might only work for a limited period and may even dilute the brand value if not implemented effectively.