Patterns of Educational Achievement

#Patterns of Educational Achievement

##Socio-Economic Factors

  • Deprivation can impact achievement, those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds often have lower attainment levels.
  • Cultural capital is important: the wealthier parents can provide more educational enrichment at home.
  • Material deprivation: lack of proper nutrition, quiet study spaces, and academic resources like books and computers can hinder educational achievement.


  • Ethnicity on its own is not a determinant of academic achievement, but ethnic groups may experience different socio-economic circumstances.
  • African Caribbean and Gypsy/Roma pupils historically have lower attainment.
  • Chinese and Indian learners typically perform above the national average.
  • Stereotyping and discrimination can impact the achievement of ethnic minority learners.


  • Girls are consistently outperforming boys at all levels of the national curriculum.
  • Gendered subject choices persist, with boys dominating in STEM fields and girls in humanities.
  • Concepts such as laddism and gender stereotypes can affect both boys’ and girls’ achievements.

##School Factors

  • School ethos or culture has a significant effect on achievement.
  • The level of discipline in a school, the qualities of teaching, and the amount of homework set can all impact academic success.
  • Streaming and setting, where learners are placed in classes based on perceived ability, can shape a learner’s school career and achievement levels.

Remember, the factors impacting educational achievement are often interrelated. For example, socio-economic factors can influence the resources available in a school, which in turn impacts the achievement of those attending that school.