Fine Art: Printing

Fine Art: Printing

Types of Printmaking

  • Gain a familiarisation with the four main types of printmaking: relief, intaglio, lithography, and screen printing.
  • Explore woodcut, a type of relief printmaking, and understand how designs are carved into a wooden surface.
  • Grasp the concept of intaglio printmaking, a method where the image is incised into a surface.
  • Understand the process of lithography, a technique where a design is drawn onto a stone or plate with a greasy substance.
  • Comprehend the basics of screen printing, which pushes ink through a woven mesh stencil onto a surface.

Printmaking Materials & Tools

  • Learn the usage of printing ink, paying attention to its formulation for different techniques.
  • Familiarise with rollers or brayers used to spread the ink evenly before printmaking.
  • Acknowledge the importance of quality paper selection, which can influence the final appearance of the print.
  • Delve into the use of burnishing tools, and their role in transferring the ink to the paper.
  • Master handling of the printing press, a key apparatus in techniques such as intaglio and lithography.

Printmaking Techniques

  • Develop skills to create monoprints, a type of printmaking that creates a unique, non-reproducible print.
  • Adequate comprehension of registering, which ensures the correct alignment of multiple colour overlays.
  • Solidify knowledge on proofing processes prior to the final run to ensure quality print results.
  • Gain proficiency in achieving the desired texture and tonal effects in print through varied techniques.
  • Understand the clean-up process post printing to maintain tools’ longevity and for safety purposes.

Printmaking Process

  • Recognise the importance of designing and planning the matrix (printing surface) with the final print in mind.
  • Appreciate the significance of ink application, understanding the different effects of thick or thin applications.
  • Grasp the process of printing the artwork; such as transferring the image from matrix to paper.
  • Comprehend the steps required for drying and curing the print to prevent smudging or ink transfer.
  • Understand the principle of editioning prints, where multiples of the same image are printed and signed.

Historical and Cultural Context

  • Explore Printmaking in History to understand how it developed and why it was important in periods such as the Renaissance.
  • Study Famous Printmakers to appreciate their contribution to the field. Artists like Albrecht Dürer, Katsushika Hokusai, and Andy Warhol have had a profound impact on printmaking.
  • Develop an appreciation for the multicultural contexts in which different printmaking techniques have been developed; for instance, ukiyo-e in Japan and Métis beadwork in Canada.