Cultural knowledge and understanding

Cultural knowledge and understanding

Swahili Language and its Roots

  • Explores the origins of Swahili language having a mix of Bantu and Arabic influences due to historical trade connections.
  • Needs understanding of Swahili as a lingua franca, used across East Africa for communication between different ethnic and language groups.
  • Must comprehend the impact of colonial rule on the Swahili language, with English and Portuguese words introduced.

Swahili Literature

  • Focuses on the diverse range of Swahili literature including poetry, stories, and plays.
  • Requires knowledge of both classical and contemporary Swahili authors and their works.
  • Explores the themes often found in Swahili literature, such as social issues, religion, and political commentary.

Swahili Society

  • Emphasises the understanding of the social structure in Swahili-speaking communities, including roles within the family, village and wider community.
  • Encompasses the comprehension of traditional and contemporary societal practices, highlighting the change and evolution over time.
  • Requires knowledge of Swahili customs, such as etiquette, greetings, and manners, and the significance of hospitality.

Religion in Swahili Culture

  • Explores the role of religion in Swahili culture, predominantly Islam and Christianity.
  • Examines the influence of religions on social customs, festivals and the arts in Swahili societies.
  • Understanding the religious vocabulary and phrases used in everyday Swahili speech.

Swahili Arts and Crafts

  • Covers the diverse range of traditional Swahili arts, including sculpture, painting, music, and dance.
  • Emphasises the importance of arts in Swahili culture and its role in representing social and political issues.
  • Explores the notable influences on Swahili arts, such as Arabic calligraphy in Swahili design.

Swahili Food and Cuisine

  • Explores the variety of Swahili food and cuisine, which reflects Arab, Indian and European influences.
  • Highlights traditional cooking methods and ingredients, and the role of food in social life.
  • Explores the social significance of food in celebrations and religious observances.