Editing Tracks

Editing Tracks

Basic Editing Concepts

  • The process of editing tracks involves manipulating the recorded audio or MIDI data to improve as well refine the final product.
  • Editing involves actions such as cut, copy, paste, trim, delete, and move processes on tracks or portions of tracks.
  • Other key tasks can include normalising, time-stretching, pitch-shifting, and adding loop points.

Non-destructive Editing

  • Non-destructive editing is a editing technique, where the alterations do not overwrite or remove the original audio data.
  • It’s done in such a way that you can undo or change the edits at any time.
  • This is a favourable method as it protects the original data, giving you the freedom to experiment without worrying about permanently losing any part of the track.

Cut, Copy, and Paste

  • The cut and paste operation is used to remove a audio section from one place and put it into another. The cut content is removed from its original location.
  • Copy and paste is similar, but the copied content remains in the original place, and a duplicate is inserted at the chosen destination.
  • These can be used to reorder parts, duplicate sections or move sections between different tracks.

Trim and Delete

  • Trimming is a process used to reduce the length of an audio track by removing unnecessary or unwanted parts from the start or end.
  • Delete is used to permanently remove a portion of a track; this could be silence, noise, or a performance mistake.

Normalising and Time-stretching

  • Normalising is a process of adjusting the overall volume of a track so that it peaks at a target level, ensuring tracks are at consistent loudness.
  • Time-stretching is used to change the length of an audio clip without affecting its pitch, allowing a performance to match a desired tempo.

Pitch-shifting and Loop Points

  • Pitch-shifting is used to adjust the pitch of an audio clip without changing its duration, useful for correcting pitch errors or creating harmonies.
  • When working with loops or repeated sections, loop points can be established. These bookmarks indicate where a certain file, section or sample should loop or repeat.

Through careful and thoughtful editing, you can transform basic recordings into polished, professional tracks that fully realise your musical vision.