Investigating Heart Rate

Investigating Heart Rate

Influencing Factors

  • Heart rate is the number of times the heart beats in a minute and is measured in beats per minute (bpm).
  • It can be influenced by a variety of factors including physical activity, emotions, diet, temperature, and health conditions among others.

Heart Rate Measurements

  • Pulse rate can be used to estimate the heart rate. It refers to the arterial palpation of heartbeat at points where an artery is close to the surface, like wrist or neck.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a highly accurate medical test that measures the heart’s function by recording its electrical activity. It can highlight any irregularities in the heart rate.

Exercise and Heart Rate

  • Exercise causes an increased demand for oxygen and nutrients in the muscles, resulting in an increased heart rate to meet this demand.
  • The level of increase in heart rate is proportional to the intensity of the exercise, due to increased production of adrenaline which stimulates the heart to beat faster.

Investigation Methods

  • The impact of exercise on heart rate can be investigated using a simple protocol involving measuring resting heart rate, performing physical activity at different intensity levels, and monitoring the heart rate during and after exercise.
  • Another method could involve measuring heart rate under various conditions, such as after consuming a meal, in different emotional states, or at varying ambient temperatures.

Statistical Analysis

  • In these investigations, heart rates are often compared using statistical tests such as a t-test to ascertain any significant differences between two populations or conditions.
  • Graphs, including bar and line graphs, often plot the heart rate on the y-axis and the various conditions or stages on the x-axis, helping visually interpret the data.