Signal Generators and Oscilloscopes

Signal Generators and Oscilloscopes

Signal Generators

Introduction to Signal Generators

  • Signal generators produce electronic signals with set characteristics such as frequency, amplitude, and waveform.
  • They are used to test, design, and calibrate electronic devices by supplying a range of signals that the device might encounter in normal operation.

Types of Signal Generators

  • Function generators can produce a variety of waveforms including sine, square, and triangle waves.
  • Arbitrary waveform generators can create any wave shape within their bandwidth range.
  • Other specific signal generators include Sweep generators, Pulse generators, and Microwave signal generators.

Key Parameters of Signal Generators

  • The frequency range defines the limits within which the signal generator can produce signals.
  • Amplitude is the magnitude of the generated signal.
  • Waveform describes the shape of the wave – common waveforms include sine, square, triangular, and sawtooth waves.
  • Characteristics like modulation and output impedance also influence the produced signal.


Basics of Oscilloscopes

  • An oscilloscope is an electronic device that graphically displays varying signal voltages, which can be either potential differences plotted over time or in comparison to another signal.
  • It is commonly used to observe the precise wave shape of an electrical signal.

Types of Oscilloscopes

  • Analog oscilloscopes work by varying the voltage to alter the direction of a beam of electrons.
  • Digital oscilloscopes convert the input signal into a digital format which can be manipulated and displayed on a screen.
  • Storage oscilloscopes have the ability to capture and ‘store’ signals for later viewing and analysis.

Key Features of Oscilloscopes

  • Channels refer to the number of inputs that an oscilloscope has. Most have two or four.
  • The bandwidth of an oscilloscope is the maximum frequency that can be accurately measured.
  • Sample rate is the frequency at which the oscilloscope samples the input signal.
  • Oscilloscopes have triggering capabilities, which allow a specific event to be isolated and examined in detail.

Using an Oscilloscope

  • Oscilloscopes are used in electronics design and testing to measure and inspect signal voltages.
  • They can reveal issues like signal noise, signal jitter, and voltage levels.
  • Calibration is important when using an oscilloscope, to ensure accurate portrayals of the waveform.

Signal Generation and Observation in Electronics Testing

  • Signal generators and oscilloscopes are fundamental to electronics testing, aiding in the design, optimisation, and troubleshooting of electronic circuits.
  • Signal generators create electronic signals for testing purposes, while oscilloscopes visualise these signals to evaluate the performance of electronic devices.
  • Understanding how to use these tools and interpreting their output is vital for successful electronics design and testing.