Critical and Contextual Studies: Artists, Craftspeople and Designers

Critical and Contextual Studies: Artists, Craftspeople and Designers

Understanding Artists, Craftspeople and Designers

  • Gain knowledge of the historical, social, and cultural contexts in which artists, craftspeople, and designers work.
  • Explore the various mediums and techniques used by artists, from traditional methods like painting and sculpting, to modern digital art and design.
  • Understand the political, philosophical, and ideological influences on their work.
  • Analyse how they have used the elements of art (line, shape, form, value, space, colour, and texture) to convey their ideas or messages.

Influential Art Movements and Styles

  • Learn about different art movements and styles, for example, the Renaissance, Romanticism, Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Contemporary Art.
  • Understand how these movements influenced the art world and changed perceptions about what art is or can be.

Examples of Significant Artists, Craftspeople, and Designers

  • Familiarise yourself with the works of significant individuals in these areas, such as Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance), Vincent van Gogh (Post-Impressionism), Pablo Picasso (Cubism), Frida Kahlo (Surrealism), Jackson Pollock (Abstract Expressionism), and David Hockney (Pop Art).
  • Understand how these individuals impacted the art world, shaping movements and inspiring other artists.

Artistic Interpretation

  • Learn to analyse and interpret the works of artists, craftspeople, and designers.
  • Understand the use of symbolism and metaphor in their works.
  • Explore how their works can evoke emotional, intellectual, and aesthetic responses.
  • Learn to develop compelling interpretations supported by evidence from the work itself and broader knowledge.

Response to Artists, Craftspeople and Designers

  • Respond to the works of artists, craftspeople and designers in a personal and creative way.
  • Translate the inspiration and ideas you gain from their work into your own artistic creations.
  • Reflect on how artists have addressed themes, ideas or issues that resonate with you. Learn to incorporate this understanding into your own work.

Remember, learning about different artists, craftspeople, and designers isn’t just about memorising facts. It’s about understanding what art can express, how it can change over time, and how it can inspire new ideas.