Critical and Contextual Studies: Landscape

Critical and Contextual Studies: Landscape

Understanding Landscape Art, Craft and Design

  • Appreciate the variety and significance of landscapes in art, craft, and design, noting how it has evolved over time.
  • Understand how landscapes can reflect or challenge perceptions of natural and built environments.
  • Investigate how landscape representations can be influenced by socio-political contexts, environmental concerns, or cultural identities.

Prominent Landscape Movements

  • Familiarise yourself with important landscape movements and styles such as Romanticism, Impressionism, Abstract Landscapes, or Environmental Art.
  • Comprehend the origins, key characteristics, and intentions of these movements.
  • Understand how landscape movements may react against, adapt from, or contribute to previous or concurrent artistic periods.

Key Landscape Artists and Designers

  • Identify prominent artists and designers whose works have greatly impacted landscape in art, craft and design.
  • Explore their significant creations, understanding the concepts, techniques, and materials used.
  • Examine how these artists might be influenced by their personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, or prevailing societal issues.

Evaluating Landscape Works

  • Develop the skill to analyse and critique landscape works, considering their visual elements, symbols, or conveyed meanings.
  • Discover how these artworks might express socio-political positions, personal reflections, or present innovative uses of medium and technique.
  • Learn to connect these works to their pertinent contextual influences and the broader dialogues they partake in.

Applying Landscape Insights to Creative Practice

  • Reflect on how understanding landscape art can inspire and inform your creative process.
  • Consider how you might embrace, modify, or oppose landscape styles, techniques, or conceptual approaches in your own work.
  • Engage with landscape as an artist, not just an observer, using your insights to produce thoughtful and expressive creations.