Critical and Contextual Studies: Popular Culture

Section One: Understanding Popular Culture

  • Popular culture represents the beliefs, practices, and objects that are dominant or prevalent in a society at a given point in time.
  • It is often influenced greatly by mass media and has a reciprocal relationship with it.
  • This culture is characterised by its accessibility to the masses and the ease with which its elements can be consumed and understood.

Section Two: Influence on Art and Design

  • Popular culture plays a substantial role in influencing art and design trends.
  • Artists and designers often draw inspiration from, or react against, the prevalent trends, icons and themes of pop culture.
  • Works in this style are often known for their bold, colourful aesthetics and recognisable references to elements of pop culture.

Section Three: Exploration of Pop Art

  • Pop Art is a significant movement that arose from popular culture. Artists such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein are key figures.
  • This art form took inspiration from commercial and consumerist culture, using elements from advertising, comic books, and everyday objects.
  • The emotional neutrality and impersonality of Pop Art challenged traditional views about what constitutes art.

Section Four: Studying Noteworthy Personalities

  • Important figures in the intersection of popular culture and art include Andy Warhol, Banksy, Jeff Koons, and Damien Hirst.
  • Examining their techniques, themes, sources of inspiration, and their influence on society can provide valuable insights.
  • Aspects of their work allow us to revisit and interpret evolving societal values, norms, and trends.

Section Five: Analysis and Critique

  • Discerning and evaluating art influenced by popular culture requires skills in observation, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Practice assessing the use of mediums, forms, colours and composition, as well as the broader social, cultural and historical context.
  • Develop the ability to articulate your interpretations and critiques using suitable language.

Section Six: Impact on Design Careers

  • Understanding the influence of popular culture on art and design can lead to promising careers in this field.
  • Designers who recognise and utilise trends in popular culture can create relevant, timely and impactful works.
  • In graphic design, fashion, marketing, and advertising, cultural literacy is a skill set that can elevate a designer’s work.