
Understanding Water

  • Water is a natural substance that is crucial for life, and it plays a significant role in our food and diets.

  • The human body is about 70% water. It’s distributed widely throughout the body, contained in blood, muscle tissue, and even bones.

  • Water has several roles in the body, including transport of nutrients, maintaining body temperature, and aiding digestion.

Role of Water in our Body

  • Water is the main component of blood, which is used to transport nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body.

  • It helps to regulate our body temperature through sweating and respiration.

  • Water aids in digestion by forming a part of saliva and fluids in the stomach, helping us break down food.

  • It serves as a lubricant in the body, assisting in movements at joint spaces and helping to protect our eyes and mouth from dust and other foreign particles.

  • Water also helps in excreting waste from our bodies through perspiration, urination and defecation.

Importance of Regular Water Intake

  • It’s recommended to drink at least 8 glasses (2 litres) of water every day to prevent dehydration. Our body does not have a storage system for water and loses fluids constantly from skin evaporation, breathing, urine, and stool. These losses must be replaced daily for good health.

  • Dehydration can lead to various health issues such as constipation, kidney stones, and in extreme cases, it can be life-threatening.

  • We also get water from the foods we eat. Some foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are particularly rich in water.

  • Drinking water instead of sugary drinks can help with weight management and overall health.

Remember, maintaining good hydration is not just about drinking water when you feel thirsty. It’s about consistently making sure that your body has enough water to perform all its crucial functions.