Vocabulary: Useful Acronyms

Vocabulary: Useful Acronyms

Useful Acronyms

Transportation and Travel
  • МЕТРО (metro) - Underground railway system in cities - метрополитен, often referenced in the context of travelling.
  • ВПП (VPP) - Runway - взлётно-посадочная полоса, a term you’ll encounter when discussing airports.
  • АВТО (avto) - Car - автомобиль, a useful term in various contexts including travel.
Government and Public Organizations
  • ГИБДД (GIBDD) - Traffic police - Государственная инспекция безопасности дорожного движения.
  • МЧС (MChS) - Emergency Situations Ministry - Министерство чрезвычайных ситуаций.
  • ФСБ (FSB) - Federal Security Service - Федеральная служба безопасности.
Social Media
  • ВК (VK) - VKontakte - ВКонтакте. It’s the Russian equivalent of Facebook, a very popular social networking site.
  • ОК (OK) - Odnoklassniki - Одноклассники. This social networking service is aimed at schoolmates and old friends.

Remembering these acronyms can be a very effective shortcut for improving reading comprehension in various contexts.