Health, fitness, and well-being
Health, fitness, and well-being
Health and Body
- Grasp common Dutch vocabulary related to health and body such as gezondheid (health), lichaam (body), ziek (sick), gezond (healthy), arts (doctor), ziekenhuis (hospital), etc.
- Understand how to talk about ailments and illnesses — hoofdpijn (headache), koude (cold), griep (flu).
- Learn words for various body parts — hoofd (head), arm (arm), been (leg), hart (heart).
Fitness and Sports
- Understand vocabulary related to fitness and sports — fitheid, sport, oefening, training, spier (muscle), stamina (stamina).
- Become familiar with common sports terminology — voetbal (football), hockey (hockey), zwemmen (swimming), fietsen (cycling).
- Acquaint with words and phrases related to gym and workout — such as sportschool (gym), hardlopen (running), gewichtheffen (weightlifting).
Healthy Eating
- Familiarise with words related to nutrition — voeding, dieet, calorieën, vitaminen, eiwitten, vetten (fats).
- Comprehend phrases about healthy eating habits — gezond voedsel, evenwichtig dieet, eten van vijf porties fruit en groenten per dag (eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day).
- Understand terminology related to specific diets — vegetarisch, veganistisch, glutenvrij, lactosevrij.
Mental Health and Well-being
- Familiarise with vocabulary associated with mental health — geestelijke gezondheid, stemming, stress, depressie, angst.
- Learn phrases expressing emotions and feelings — blij, verdrietig, ongelukkig, moe (tired), tevreden (content).
- Understand phrases related to mental health support — psycholoog, therapie, zelfzorg, ontspanning.
Remember, the aim is not just to memorise vocabulary but to apply it to real-world Dutch conversations about health, fitness, and well-being. It involves understanding cultural aspects and attitudes towards these topics in the Dutch-speaking world.