
Introduction to “Originally”

  • “Originally” is a poem penned by the eminent poet Carol Ann Duffy which explores the upheaval and subsequent identity confusion caused by childhood migration.
  • Duffy draws from her own life experiences to express the bewilderment and longing for familiarity that comes with the displacement.


  • Displacement and Migration: The poem exhibits the protagonist’s struggle to adapt to their new surroundings and the feeling of not fully belonging anywhere.
  • Identity and Self-Discovery: The narrative underscores the protagonist’s attempt to comprehend and identify her true self amidst the geographical transition.
  • Change and Adaptation: The loss of the familiar and the need to acclimate to the new forms a significant part of the poem’s narrative.

Key Techniques and Analysis

  • Duffy effectively manipulates imagery to convey the confusion and disorientation of relocation.
    • “All childhood is an emigration” metaphorically symbolises the unsure transition between places and phases of life.
  • The utilisation of emotive language helps gather sympathy for the disoriented speaker.
    • Phrases such as “cried and cried and cried” evoke the emotional toll of displacement on a child.
  • Repetition is used to underline the speaker’s anxiety and longing for the familiar.
    • “Originally?” and “I want our own country” demonstrate the speaker’s yearning for a place where they feel at home.
  • The use of onomatopoeia and assonance in “bawling Home” generates a strong emotional resonance, supporting the poem’s themes of displacement and longing.

Structure and Form

  • This poem is constructed in three eight-line stanzas reflecting the three stages: departure, journey and arrival.
  • The free verse form of the poem mirrors the spontaneous thought process of the speaker, thus giving the poem a sincere and personal tone.
  • The repeated questions hint at the uncertainty the speaker faces, highlighting the theme of confusion and self-questioning.


  • “Originally” offers a poignant insight into the trauma of migration and the struggle of self-identification. Through the careful use of language, structure, and imagery, Duffy paints a deeply emotional and authentic portrayal of displacement and the yearning for a sense of belonging.