The Way My Mother Speaks

Introduction to “The Way My Mother Speaks”

  • “The Way My Mother Speaks” is a deeply personal poem composed by Carol Ann Duffy which delves into the themes of identity, heritage, and memory.
  • The narrator frequently hears her mother’s voice in her head, emphasizing the mark her mother has left on her.


  • Memory and Influence: By often envisioning her mother’s voice, the narrator demonstrates how one’s upbringing and heritage has a lasting impact on their perception and identity.
  • Identity and Bonds: Through the constant presence of her mother’s voice, the poet explores how close and personal relationships shape and mould our identities.
  • Language and Culture: The dialect and language, notably the Scottish influence, play integral parts in the poem, emphasizing the inextricable link between language, culture, and personal identity.

Key Techniques and Analysis

  • Duffy uses internal monologue to allow the reader to closely engage with the intimate thoughts of the narrator.
    • Statements such as “I hear my mother’s voice” display how Duffy effectively brings the thoughts of the character to the forefront.
  • Sensory language is applied to draw the reader into the experience of the speaker.
    • Phrases like “following the shores of my breath” create a vivid sensory experience for the reader.
  • Repetition is employed to demonstrate the incessant presence of the mother in the speaker’s thoughts, hinting at a deep bond and influence.
    • For example, “I say” is frequently repeated throughout the poem.
  • The use of dialect words, like ‘bairn’ and ‘wheesht’, illustrate the significant role that language and culture play in our identities.

Structure and Form

  • This poem is written in free verse, enabling the poet to encapsulate the natural and spontaneous flow of thought and memories.
  • The poem is divided into five sections or stanzas, each with a varying number of lines, reflecting the way memories occur in a non-linear and unpredictable manner.
  • Occasional use of rhyming couplets gives the poem a rhythmic quality that parallels the rhythm of the spoken language.


  • The poem “The Way My Mother Speaks” by Carol Ann Duffy presents a poignant reflection on how our memories, heritage, relationships and language play a pivotal role in forming our personal identity. Through use of vivid sensory language, repetition and free-flowing structure, Duffy effectively captures this intricate web of influences on individuality.