Calculator Buttons

  • The most basic calculator buttons include the numerical keys (0 to 9), addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and division (÷) buttons. These are used for simple arithmetic calculations.

  • The equals (=) button is used to calculate the result of the entered mathematical expression or operation.

  • The ‘C’ button is used to clear the calculator’s input field. It allows you to completely erase your current work.

  • The ‘AC’ button stands for All Clear, it clears both the working and the final answer from the calculator’s memory.

  • The ‘CE’ button (Clear Entry) is used to erase the most recently entered number or operation. It’s useful if you make a mistake during entry.

  • The decimal point (.) button is used to enter numbers less than one or to specify a decimal place in a number.

  • The percentage (%) button is used to calculate percentages. It is helpful in various calculations, such as finding the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers.

  • The square root (√) button provides the square root of a number. Be aware that this operation cannot be done on negative numbers.

  • The ‘Ans’ button remembers the last answer given by the calculator. It is useful if you want to use the result of one calculation in the subsequent calculation.

  • Some calculators have a ‘π’ button, which inputs the value of Pi (approximately 3.14159), useful in calculations involving circles and angles.

  • The power buttons (^ or exp) are used to raise a number to a certain power. You would first input the base number, then the power button, and finally the exponent.

  • Trigonometry buttons (sin, cos, tan and their inverses) are used when you are dealing with triangle calculations, oscillations, waves, etc.

  • The memory buttons (M+, M-, MR, MC) allow you to save, retrieve, add to, or subtract from numbers stored in the calculator’s memory.

  • The ‘log’ and ‘ln’ buttons allow for logarithmic calculations. ‘log’ stands for logarithm base 10 and ‘ln’ stands for natural logarithm (logarithm base e).

Remember that intelligent calculator use is a fundamental skill for mathematical work, and in this assessment. Practice using one extensively beforehand to become familiar with its layout and functions.