Rearranging Formulas

Rearranging Formulas

Understanding Formulas

  • A formula is a mathematical rule written in symbols.
  • Formulas are usually written as an equation with one variable to represent an unknown value.

Changing the Subject of the Formula

  • The subject of a formula is the variable you are solving for.
  • To change the subject, you must make the new subject stand alone on one side of the equal sign.

Steps to Rearranging Formulas

Step 1: Identify the New Subject

  • The first step in rearranging a formula is to identify what the new subject of the formula should be.

Step 2: Isolate the New Subject

  • This step might include adding or subtracting values from both sides of the equation to isolate the new subject.

Step 3: Simplify

  • After isolating the new subject, simplify the equation if necessary.

Dealing with Squares and Square Roots

  • When dealing with squares or square roots, refer to the inverse operations in order to isolate the new subject.
  • Keep in mind that the square root is the inverse operation of squaring, and vice versa.

Handling Fractions

  • When rearranging a formula that contains a fraction, it may be helpful to multiply both sides of the equation by the denominator to eliminate the fraction.

Using Inverse Operations

  • When rearranging a formula, use the inverse (opposite) operations to get the variable alone. For example, if the original operation is multiplication, use division to isolate the variable.

Dealing with Brackets

  • It is essential to understand how to Expand Brackets. This could be helpful when the variable is within a bracket.
  • Remember the BODMAS rule (Brackets, Orders, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction)

Understanding these concept would help make formula rearranging simpler and easier.