Biomechanics and Movement Analysis

Biomechanics and Movement Analysis

Understanding Biomechanics

  • Biomechanics is the study of the mechanics of body movements, involving both forces exerted by muscles and gravity on the skeletal structure.
  • Knowledge of biomechanics allows for greater efficiency and improved performance in physical activities by understanding the concepts of force, fluid resistance, centre of mass and levers.
  • Biomechanics is a crucial aspect of designing effective strategies in sports training.

Analysis of Movement

  • Movement analysis focuses on investigating the spatial and temporal parameters of individuals or body segments during sport activities.
  • It can be approach from both qualitative (non-numerical) and quantitative (numerical) perspectives.
  • Quantitative analysis involves the use of advanced technologies like 3D motion capturing systems, force platforms, and video analysis.

Principles of Motion and Stability

  • Newton’s laws of motion - the laws of inertia, acceleration and reaction - play a crucial role in movement and stability.
  • It’s important to understand how the centre of mass and the line of gravity affect an individual’s balance and stability.
  • Each sport has unique demands regarding stability and balance. For instance, gymnasts need to control their centre of mass closely to maintain stability while performing complex movements.

Material and Equipment in Biomechanics

  • Equipment and material design takes into account biomechanical factors to enhance athletic performance or to reduce the risk of injuries.
  • The knowledge of biomechanics is essential for designing sports equipment like running shoes, football helmets, and hockey sticks to provide optimal performance and safety.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

  • Understanding human movement patterns and the mechanics of injury can help design preventive measures and rehabilitation programmes.
  • Biomechanics provides insights into risk factors related to injuries and helps to optimize recovery strategies.
  • Biomechanical evaluation is often used in sports medicine to diagnose conditions, plan treatments, and assess the effectiveness of treatment.

Application of Levers in Sport and Exercise

  • Levers are crucial in understanding human body movement as our bones and muscles work together to form a system of levers.
  • There are three classes of levers (1st, 2nd, and 3rd class), each having different properties and characteristics.
  • Applying lever systems can help influence the speed and range of movement, as well as the force requirement in various sports activities.