Being a Young Person in Spanish-Speaking Society: Youth Trends and Personal Identity

Youth Trends in Spanish-speaking Society

  • Consider the influence of the Internet and social media on the formation of trends among young people in Spanish-speaking societies.
  • Reflect on the popularity of music genres such as reggaeton among youth and its role in shaping cultural and personal identities.
  • Discuss the impact of fashion trends and beauty standards on young people, focusing on relevant topics like body image and self-esteem.
  • Analyse the role of sport, particularly football, in shaping youth trends and identities in Spanish-speaking societies.

Personal Identity of Young People

  • Reflect on how dual identity is experienced by young people from immigrant families in Spanish-speaking societies.
  • Discuss the influence of religion on the personal identity of young people, exploring both its diminishing role in some areas and its continued importance in others.
  • Examine the gender norms and expectations prevalent in Spanish-speaking societies and their impact on the formation of personal identities.
  • Explore the concept of ‘machismo’ and ‘marianismo’ as traditional gender roles in Spanish-speaking societies and their impact on young people’s personal identities.

Youth Issues in Spanish-speaking Society

  • Discuss the unemployment rates and job opportunities for young people in Spanish-speaking societies, drawing parallels between economic conditions and youth dissatisfaction.
  • Discuss the educational challenges faced by young people, focusing on issues such as school dropout rates and access to higher education.
  • Examine the social and political activism among youth, focusing on movements like #NiUnaMenos in Latin America or the Catalan independence movement in Spain.
  • Reflect on issues related to mental health and well-being, with an emphasis on the impact of societal pressures, stress, and social media.

Youth and Language in Spanish-speaking Society

  • Discuss the impact of linguistic diversity on young people’s identity, focusing on regions with multiple languages like Catalonia or the Basque Country in Spain.
  • Reflect on how the use of slang and colloquial language contributes to the formation of youth identity.
  • Consider the influence and proliferation of Spanglish as a reflection of a dual identity among Spanish-speaking youth, particularly in the United States.
  • Examine the influence of digital communication (like texting and social media language) on the use of Spanish by young people.