Comparing Objects

Comparing Objects

What are Objects?

  • Objects are instances of classes.
  • Each object has its own state (data) and methods (functions) that work with the state.
  • In Java, when two objects are created, they are stored in separate memory locations.

Comparison Operators for Objects

  • Most comparison operators, such as == and !=, can be used with objects.
  • But they do not compare the values of the objects.
  • Instead, they compare whether the variables are pointing to the same object in memory.

Equals Method

  • Equals method (object1.equals(object2)) can be used to compare the values of two objects.
  • This method can be overridden in a class to specify how two instances of that class should be compared.

CompareTo Method

  • CompareTo Method (object1.compareTo(object2)) compares two objects to see which comes first.
  • It returns a negative number, zero, or a positive number if object1 is less than, equal to, or greater than object2 respectively.
  • This is commonly used for sorting purposes.


  • A NullPointerException can occur when trying to access a method or field of an object that is null.
  • This happens because null means there is no object present.
  • Always check an object for null before accessing its methods or fields.

Instanceof Operator

  • Instanceof operator (object1 instanceof Object2) checks if an object is an instance of a certain class.
  • It returns a boolean value - True if object1 is an instance of Object2 class.

getClass and getName Methods

  • ` getClass() method from the Object` class returns the class of an object.
  • getName() method from the Class class returns the name of the class as a String.
  • Together, object.getClass().getName() will return the class name of an object as a String.