Mutator Methods

Introduction to Mutator Methods

  • Mutator methods, also known as setters, are a type of method used in object-oriented programming.
  • These methods modify or mutate the state of an object by changing the values of its instance variables.
  • The term ‘mutator’ comes from the fact that these methods ‘mutate’ or change the state of an object.

Principle of Mutator Methods

  • Mutator methods are used to control how the data of an object is modified or manipulated.
  • They help in maintaining the integrity of the data or encapsulation, because the data can be validated before it’s modified.
  • For example, if you have a Circle class with a radius instance variable, you might use a mutator method to ensure that the radius is never set to a negative value.

Syntax of Mutator Methods

  • The standard convention for naming a mutator method is set followed by the name of the variable.
  • Mutator methods typically have a void return type, as their purpose is to change the object’s state, not return a value.
  • Mutator methods should have one parameter, which is the new value for the instance variable.
  • For example, a mutator method for the radius instance variable in the Circle class might be public void setRadius(double newRadius) { this.radius = newRadius; }.

Use of Mutator Methods

  • Mutator methods are used when the state of an object needs to be changed after the object has been created.
  • They can also be used for protecting the internal state of an object from invalid changes by checking the value before setting it.
  • For example, before setting a new radius, a mutator method might include a condition to check that the incoming value is a positive number.

Example of Mutator Methods

Consider the following class Circle:

public class Circle {
    private double radius;

    // Mutator method for radius
    public void setRadius(double newRadius) {
        if(newRadius > 0){
            this.radius = newRadius;
        else {
            System.out.println("Error: Radius must be a positive number.");

In this example, setRadius is a mutator method that changes the radius of the Circle object provided that the newRadius is a positive number.

Importance of Mutator Methods

  • Mutator methods contribute to encapsulation, one of the fundamental principles of object-oriented programming, by protecting instance variables from direct access.
  • They allow for safer programming, as the new values may be checked for validity before they are used.
  • Mutator methods provide flexibility by allowing the state of an object to be changed after it has been created.