Principles of Human Growth and Development

Principles of Human Growth and Development

Theories of Development

  • Growth and development are interrelated concepts, with growth referring to physical changes and development implying both physical and psychological advancement.
  • Various theories exist to explain how human growth and development occur. These include Freud’s Psychosexual Development Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory, Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory, and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory.
  • These theories suggest that individuals pass through different stages throughout their lives, and particular developmental tasks or crises must be resolved at each stage.

Physical Development

  • Physical development involves changes in the body such as height, weight, and motor skills development.
  • Early stages of development are marked by rapid physical growth. This slows during childhood, accelerates again during adolescence with puberty, and slows in adulthood.
  • Human growth is tracked on growth charts and compared to typical values for age and sex.

Cognitive Development

  • Cognitive development refers to how we perceive, think, and gain understanding of our world through interaction and influence of genetic and learning factors.
  • Piaget suggested children pass through four stages of cognitive development - the Sensorimotor (0-2), Preoperational (2-7), Concrete operational (7-11) and Formal operational stage (11 onwards).

Emotional and Social Development

  • Emotional development is about how individuals understand and express feelings and emotions.
  • Erikson’s theory outlines eight stages of psychosocial development, each with its own conflict that leads to either success or failure resulting in an overall healthier or unhealthy personality.
  • Socialisation teaches individuals how to behave within society and what norms or rules are expected of them.

Factors Influencing Development

  • Human growth and development are influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
  • Good health, nutrition and a safe environment promote optimal development.
  • Socioeconomic factors, childhood experiences, education, and culture can all impact how a person develops.

Lifespan Perspective

  • Human development is a lifelong process. Each stage of life affects and is affected by other life stages.
  • The concept of life-span development underscores the importance of both stability and change in our behaviour and abilities, regardless of the stage of life.
  • While the order of life stages is predictable, the timing and speed with which people move through these stages can vary significantly.

##Health and Wellbeing

  • Growth and development are also linked to health and wellbeing.
  • Physical health is influenced by factors such as nutrition, exercise, and medical care.
  • Emotional health relates to how effectively an individual can control and express their emotions
  • Mental health refers to an individual’s cognitive and emotional wellbeing.