Jobs, career choices, and ambitions
Understanding ‘İşler, Kariyer Seçimleri ve Hedefler’ (Jobs, Career Choices, and Ambitions)
Career Awareness
- Farklı iş türleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olmalısınız. (Be knowledgeable about different types of jobs.) - Understand what certain jobs entail and what their work environment may be like.
- Farklı sektörlerde hangi kariyerlerin olduklarını bilmelisin. (Know which careers exist in different sectors.) - Be aware of the variety of careers offered in fields such as healthcare, education, business, science, etc.
- İş başvurularında önemli olan beceri ve özellikler nelerdir, nerede ve nasıl kazanılırlar? (What skills and attributes are important for job applications, where and how can they be acquired?) – Identify the skills and qualities employers look for, and think about how you can acquire them through education or experiences.
Career Choices
- Hangi kariyeri seçmek istersin ve neden? (Which career would you like to choose and why?) - Be ready to talk about your career aspirations and explain your reasons for choosing them.
- Bir bireyin kariyer seçimini etkileyebilecek faktörler nelerdir? (What factors might influence an individual’s career choice?) – Discuss various factors such as personal interest, societal norms, salary, industry trends, etc., that might influence career choices.
Career Ambitions
- Kariyer olarak ne olmayı umuyorsun? (What do you hope to be as a career?) - Talk about your future career dreams and aspirations in the long term.
- Bu kariyer hedefine ulaşmak için nasıl bir eğitim veya deneyim gerekiyor? (What kind of education or experience is required to reach this career goal?) – Understand and discuss the qualifications, experiences, and skillset necessary for your desired profession.
- Hangi adımları atmayı planlıyorsun bu hedefe ulaşmak için? (What steps do you plan to take to reach this goal?) – Discuss your personal plan or steps you intend to take towards achieving your career ambitions.
Job Advertisements
- Bir iş ilanında hangi bilgilerin bulunması gerektiğini anlamalısınız. (You should understand what information should be in a job advertisement.) - Be aware of the necessary components of a job ad such as the job title, description, requirements, company info, application deadline, etc.
- Bir iş ilanını nasıl yorumlarsın? (How do you interpret a job advertisement?) – Know how to read and understand a job ad correctly, how to judge the suitability of a job based on its advertisement.
Evaluation of Jobs & Careers
- Hangi işlerin değerli olduğunu ve neden olduğunu tartışabilirsiniz. (You can discuss which jobs are valuable and why.) - Be ready to debate what makes certain jobs valuable or worthwhile, considering factors such as their benefits to society, personal fulfillment, academic requirement, etc.
- Bir işin veya kariyerin avantajları ve dezavantajları nelerdir? (What are the advantages and disadvantages of a job or a career?) - See both sides and weigh the benefits and drawbacks of different careers.