Bioenergetics: Digestion

Bioenergetics: Digestion

Digestion: Definition and Purpose

  • Digestion is the process where food is broken down into simple soluble substances that can be absorbed by the body.
  • The process of digestion takes place in the digestive system, which is a complex series of organs stretching from the mouth to the anus.
  • Its purpose is to break down complex food substances into smaller molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream and used by the body.

Mechanisms of Digestion: Physical and Chemical Digestion

  • Physical digestion involves the physical breaking down of food into smaller pieces. It begins in the mouth with the process of chewing.
  • Following the physical breakdown, chemical digestion begins where large molecules are broken down into more simple ones through the use of enzymes.

Components and Function of Digestive System

  • Mouth: Digestion begins with the physical breakdown of food by teeth and the enzymatic action of saliva on starch.
  • Oesophagus: Uses muscular contractions, called peristalsis, to move food into the stomach.
  • Stomach: Further physical digestion occurs here through churning and mixing actions. Proteins are also chemically broken down by stomach acid and pepsin, an enzyme.
  • Small intestine: Majority of chemical digestion and absorption happens here. Pancreatic enzymes and bile from the liver aid in digestion, and nutrients are absorbed via villi into the bloodstream.
  • Large intestine (colon): Water and electrolytes are absorbed here. Undigested food is formed into faeces for expulsion.

Enzymes in Digestion

  • Amylase: produced in the salivary glands, pancreas and small intestine, it breaks down starch into maltose.
  • Protease: produced in the stomach, pancreas and small intestine, this enzyme breaks proteins down into amino acids.
  • Lipase: produced in the pancreas and small intestine, it breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids.

Factors Affecting Digestion

  • Diet: Balanced diet containing essential nutrients, fiber and adequate water promotes healthy functioning of the digestive system.
  • Fitness level: Regular exercise may help stimulate productive digestion and help maintain bowel regularity.
  • Hydration: Adequate fluid intake can aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system by preventing constipation.