Bioenergetics: Respiration

Bioenergetics: Respiration

Bioenergetics: Understanding Respiration

Respiration refers to a series of chemical reactions that occur in living cells, resulting in the breakdown of nutrient molecules and the production of energy.

  • Aerobic respiration involves the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and a large amount of energy. This energy is stored in a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
  • The equation for aerobic respiration is: glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water + energy.
  • Aerobic respiration occurs in four steps: glycolysis, link reaction, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.
  • Glycolysis is the first stage of aerobic respiration, occurring in the cell cytoplasm. In this process, glucose is split into two molecules of pyruvate, releasing two molecules of ATP.
  • The link reaction occurs in the mitochondria where each pyruvate is decarboxylated to produce acetyl coenzyme A, carbon dioxide, and one molecule of NADH.
  • The Krebs cycle is another step in the mitochondria where acetyl CoA is combined with a four-carbon molecule to go through a series of reactions, producing ATP, NADH, FADH2 and carbon dioxide.
  • Lastly, oxidative phosphorylation involves the transfer of electrons through a series of proteins in the inner mitochondrial membrane, known as electron transport chain, resulting in the formation of a large amount of ATP.

Anaerobic Respiration

  • Anaerobic respiration takes place when there is insufficient oxygen for aerobic respiration, such as during high-intensity exercise.
  • Glucose is metabolised to lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue.
  • The equation for anaerobic respiration is: glucose -> lactic acid + energy.
  • Anaerobic respiration produces significantly less ATP compared to aerobic respiration.

Alcoholic Fermentation

  • Some organisms, like yeast, can carry out alcoholic fermentation, a type of anaerobic respiration.
  • In this process, glucose is converted to ethanol, carbon dioxide, and a tiny amount of energy.
  • The equation for alcoholic fermentation is: glucose -> ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy.

Practical Applications of Respiration

  • Both types of respiration – aerobically and anaerobically – have importance in everyday life. For instance, the yeast used in bread-making causes the dough to rise due to the CO2 produced during the process of respiration.
  • In the body, respiration (especially aerobic respiration) is vital for providing energy for an array of functions like muscle contraction, maintaining body temperature and various other physiological processes.