Marketing, Competition and the Customer

Marketing, Competition and the Customer

Marketing Concepts

  • Marketing mix: often known as the 4 Ps – product, price, promotion, place.
  • Market research: includes primary and secondary types, used to understand customer’s wants and needs; guides business decisions.
  • Marketing strategy: an overall plan for marketing a product which includes setting marketing objectives.

Understanding Customers

  • Consumer behaviour: understanding why customers make the decisions they do, influenced by personal, psychological and social factors.
  • Customer needs and wants: businesses aim to supply products or services that meet these in order to gain customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Market segmentation: dividing customers into specific groups based on certain variables like age, income, location; allows for targeted advertising.


  • Direct competition: businesses that offer the exact same or very similar products.
  • Indirect competition: businesses that offer different, but still substitutable or comparable, products or services which could meet the same customer need.
  • USP (Unique Selling Proposition): the unique attribute or trait a product has which sets it apart from competitors.

Marketing Strategies

  • Product differentiation: a marketing strategy where a business tries to differentiate its product from those of competitors.
  • Market positioning: where the product stands in comparison to the competition in the eyes of the consumer, usually represented by a positioning map.
  • Relationship marketing: strategy to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement.

Marketing Ethics

  • Ethical marketing: involves making marketing decisions that are morally right or ethical.
  • False advertising: deliberately misleading customers about a product or service; legally and ethically wrong.
  • Greenwashing: deceptive practice of a company advertising products, aims or policies as being environmentally friendly when they are not.