Internal and External Communication

Internal and External Communication


  • Communication in business is the sharing of information between different parts of a company, or with external stakeholders.
  • Internal communication refers to the communication that takes place within the organisation between members of the organisation.
  • External communication refers to the communication that takes place between the organisation and outside individuals or other organisations.

Types of Internal Communication

  • Formal communication: this includes meetings, reports, briefings and official memos.
  • Informal communication: this refers to casual and unofficial dialogue within the organisation.
  • Vertical communication: this is communication that takes place up or down the organisational hierarchy, such as communication between a manager and their subordinates or vice versa.
  • Horizontal communication: this is communication between individuals or teams on the same level within the organisation, such as communication between two different teams or departments.

Types of External Communication

  • Marketing communications: these include advertising, sales promotions, and public relations activities that communicate with customers and potential customers.
  • Public relations communications: This includes the organisation’s communications with the media or with the public.
  • Business-to-business (B2B) communication: communication between one organisation and another, such as communication with suppliers or partners.
  • Investor relations communications: communications with current or potential investors in the business.

Importance of Effective Communication

  • Effective communication allows for smooth operations within the organisation and successful relationships outside the organisation.
  • It leads to higher employee engagement and morale, greater efficiency, and stronger relationships with stakeholders.
  • It reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings, errors, and conflict, both within and outside of the organisation.

Barriers to Effective Communication

  • Common barriers can include cultural differences, language barriers, differing perceptions, and physical separations.
  • Other barriers to effective communication may include stereotypes, poor listening skills, and distractions.
  • Technology can also be a barrier if not used effectively or if not everyone has access to, or skills in using, the necessary tools or platforms.

Strategies to Improve Communication

  • Regularly review and update communication strategies and channels.
  • Use a diverse range of communication methods to suit different audiences and purposes.
  • Encourage active listening and provide training to improve communication skills.
  • Promote a positive and open culture of communication in the workplace to ensure everyone feels confident and comfortable when communicating.
  • Use technology effectively, and provide the necessary training and support to ensure everyone can use it.