Recruitment, Selection and Training of Employees

Recruitment, Selection and Training of Employees


  • Recruitment refers to the process of identifying a job vacancy, defining the requirements, inviting candidates to apply, and attracting suitable candidates for the job.
  • The key stages of recruitment involve preparing a job description, a person specification, and an advertisement for the job.
  • The job description provides a clear outline of the duties, responsibilities, and conditions of the job.
  • The person specification includes the skills, qualifications, experience, and personal qualities required.
  • A well-execified advertisement should contain the job title, job location, job description, person specification, application method, and deadline.


  • Selection involves choosing the most suitable applicant from those who have applied for the vacancy.
  • It comprises two main stages: shortlisting candidates and assessing candidates.
  • Shortlisting involves reviewing applications to select those who best meet the job requirements according to their CVs and cover letters.
  • Assessment can include interviews, tests, group activities, or presentations to evaluate the applicants’ abilities.
  • An interview is a face-to-face meeting between the potential employee and employer, allowing both to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
  • The chosen candidate will receive a job offer accompanied by an employment contract.


  • Training empowers employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their jobs efficiently.
  • Induction training is given to new employees to familiarise them with the job role, colleagues and the organisational structure.
  • On-the-job training involves learning while doing the work, usually monitored by a supervisor or a colleague.
  • Off-the-job training occurs away from the work context, often in a training centre or classroom.
  • The aim of training is to improve the productivity and quality of work. It can also result in increased motivation and job satisfaction.
  • Regular appraisal of employees can determine if further training or development is required.