Support strategies and interventions

Support strategies and interventions

Person-centred Approach

  • Understanding person-centred approach as an essential strategy in mental health care. This approach respects the uniqueness of each individual and places them at the centre of their own care.
  • Recognising the power of empathy and respect in promoting person-centred care which acknowledges and seeks to understand individuals’ feelings and experiences.
  • Understanding the importance of goals and aspirations in formulating care plans. These care plans should be flexible and adaptable to each individual’s changing needs.

Peer Support and Family Involvement

  • Understanding the benefits of peer support as a technique that facilitates mutual learning and emotional support between individuals with similar experiences.
  • Acknowledging the role of family and friends in supporting the individual’s recovery journey whilst maintaining healthy boundaries.
  • Recognising the importance of support networks including local clubs or online communities in offering social connections and shared experiences.

Therapeutic Strategies

  • Understanding therapeutic strategies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that helps individuals manage their problems by changing the way they think and behave.
  • Knowing the value of Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) that focuses on improving relationship skills and communication patterns.
  • Acknowledging the role of creative therapies such as music or art therapy in improving mental wellbeing.

Crisis Planning and Intervention

  • Understanding that a crisis plan is a valuable tool delineating what to do and who to contact during a mental health crisis.
  • Recognising the need for interdisciplinary collaboration between health and care professionals during crisis intervention.
  • Acknowledging that crisis intervention should be followed by a review of the care plan to support ongoing recovery.

Medication and Alternatives

  • Acknowledging the valuable role of medication in managing symptoms of mental health conditions.
  • Being aware that medication is often used in combination with therapeutic interventions for maximum effect.
  • Recognising the place of alternative therapies such as mindfulness or physical exercise in supporting overall wellbeing.

Advocacy Role

  • Understanding the role of advocacy in ensuring individuals’ rights are observed, their choices respected and their voices heard.
  • Recognising that advocates can be peers, professionals or family members who are trained and able to support the individual in expressing their needs and preferences.
  • Comprehending that the advocate’s role might include navigating systems, writing letters, attending meetings or supporting decisions.