Principles of training

Principles of Training


  • Train in a way that mirrors the demands of the sport or activity.
  • Each sport requires a specific set of skills and physical abilities.
  • For example, a long-distance runner should focus on cardiovascular endurance, while a weightlifter should focus on strength training.

Progressive Overload

  • To improve fitness, stress on the body should be gradually increased.
  • Regular adjustments to the intensity, frequency or duration of training prevents the body from adapting and plateauing.
  • It’s important to balance progressive overload with adequate recovery time to avoid overtraining.


  • Fitness gains can be lost if the training stops.
  • This principle highlights the importance of regular, consistent exercise.
  • If an injury or illness interrupts training, a modified program can be used to maintain as much fitness as possible.

Individual Differences

  • Not everyone responds to training in the same way.
  • Factors such as age, gender, genetics, and current fitness level will impact results.
  • An effective training program should be tailored to the individual’s needs, goals, and abilities.


  • Mixing up the type, intensity, and duration of workouts can prevent boredom and stimulate different muscle groups.
  • A mix of resistance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and balance exercises can help maintain overall fitness and prevent overuse injuries.

Rest and Recovery

  • Good physical improvement occurs during rest when the body is allowed to recover and rebuild.
  • The body needs time to repair muscles and replenish energy stores.
  • Adequate sleep, good nutrition and hydration, and rest days are all essential components of a successful training program.

FITT Principle (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type)

  • Frequency: How often you should train.
  • Intensity: How hard you should train.
  • Time: How long each training session should last.
  • Type: The kind of activity or training method you should use.
  • Combined, these components should provide the right challenge to bring about desired fitness improvements.