Evaluating the effectiveness of promotion and sponsorship

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Promotion and Sponsorship in Sport

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Brand Recognition: Has the promotion or sponsorship led to increased recognition of the brand among the target audience?
  • Sales Increase: Check if there’s been a boost in sales since the implementation of the sponsorship or promotion. This could be correlated to the effectiveness of the campaign.
  • Audience Engagement: Look out for audience engagement such as social media likes, shares, comments and followers. These metrics might hint about the campaign’s reach and effectiveness.
  • Media Coverage: Monitor the amount and nature of media coverage received. More positive coverage can mean the promotion or sponsorship is effective.

Measuring Recall and Recognition

  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Ask the audience about their awareness of the sponsorship or promotional activity. This can help clarify if the brand or product is being recognised and remembered.
  • Sponsored Recall Tests: Conduct tests where you ask your audience to recall sponsors without providing a list. This can measure unaided recall.
  • Recognition Test: Show audience members a list of sponsors and ask which they recognise. This helps identify aided recall.

Use of Analytics

  • Website Traffic: Analyze the number of visits, duration, and bounce rate on the sponsor’s website. Increased traffic may signal the success of a sponsorship or campaign.
  • Social Media Analytics: Monitor the number of likes, shares, comments, and followers on social media platforms. These can indicate the extent of audience engagement.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Metrics: See how many visitors found your website through a search engine. Improvement in website ranking and visibility can mean effective promotion.

Assessing Impact on Reputation and Relationships

  • Brand Sentiment Analysis: Monitor and analyze opinions about the brand on social media and other communication forums. Positive sentiments may suggest success.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Ask customers about their satisfaction towards the product or service post the sponsorship campaign.
  • Feedback from Stakeholders: Obtain feedback from stakeholders like investors, employees, etc. Both positive and negative feedback can provide insights into how successful the campaign has been.

Identifying Negative Impacts

  • Unwanted Associations: Keep an eye out for unintentional or negative brand associations that may be damaging to a brand’s image.
  • Over-commercialisation: Look for signs of audience disapproval or backlash as too much advertising can lead to negative audience sentiment.
  • Ethical Issues: Stay vigilant for any ethical issues that may arise due to commercial interests influencing the nature of the sport or performance of athletes.