Baking and Pastry Techniques

Baking and Pastry Techniques

Basic Baking Techniques

  • Understand the importance of accurate measurement, especially when dealing with baking powder and baking soda, to ensure the correct chemical reactions.
  • Recognise the different stages of cream (whipped to soft peaks, firm peaks, and over-whipped) and their specific use in various pastry recipes.
  • Familiarise yourself with methods such as sifting to aerate flour and mix dry ingredients thoroughly.
  • Know the function of beating and folding to incorporate air into the mixture, keeping baked goods light and fluffy.
  • Understand the technique of kneading dough to develop gluten structure in bread and pastry.

Pastry Techniques

  • Learn the distinct textures of the various types of pastry i.e. puff, shortcrust, filo, and choux and their appropriate uses.
  • Recognise the importance of resting pastry dough to allow the gluten to relax and prevent shrinkage during baking.
  • Understand the method of blind baking to pre-cook pastry shells before filling to avoid a soggy bottom.
  • Familiarise yourself with laminating technique for puff pastry that involves folding and rolling to create layers of butter within the dough.

Baking Methods and Equipment

  • Understand the difference between baking and roasting - baking is used for dough and batters, roasting for meats and vegetables.
  • Know the benefits of silicone bakeware for flexibility and ease of release of baked goods, and that it must be placed on a firm baking sheet.
  • Familiarise yourself with the use and function of baking tools: scales, measuring spoons, whisk, spatula, oven thermometer, etc.
  • Apprehend the use of bain-marie for delicate baking, such as custards and lemon curd, which requires gentle, indirect heat.

Management of Baking Errors

  • Understand the key causes of common baking pitfalls, such as cakes sinking, cookies spreading too much, or pastries becoming too tough, and how to prevent them.
  • Know how ingredient proportions can affect the product, for example, an excess of baking powder can cause the cake to rise too fast and then drop in the middle.
  • Recognise that consistent oven temperature plays a vital role in perfect baking results.
  • Be aware of the effects of over-mixing which can lead to tough cakes and rubbery muffins by developing too much gluten.