The definition of ethnicity

The definition of ethnicity

Understanding Ethnicity

  • Ethnicity refers to the social group that an individual belongs to, and identifies with, based on a shared cultural heritage.
  • It can encompass elements such as language, nationality, ancestry, religion, and shared history or experiences.
  • An important aspect of ethnicity is that it is self-identified. This means that an individual chooses to identify with a certain ethnic group.
  • Ethnicity differs from race, which is a social construct based on physical characteristics such as skin colour. Ethnicity focuses more on cultural aspects.
  • Ethnic groups refer to people who share common cultural identity, typically connected by heritage, beliefs, or customs.

Ethnic Diversity and Identity

  • Ethnic diversity is the degree to which there is variety in the ethnic backgrounds of the people in a specific place.
  • Diversity can be a source of strength and resilience, but can also lead to conflict if different groups do not get along.
  • Ethnic identity can be seen as a source of social cohesion or division. It can provide a sense of belonging and security, but can also be used to exclude others.
  • Ethnicity also plays a role in social inequality. Socioeconomic status, access to services, and opportunities can differ significantly between ethnic groups.
  • The process by which a person acquires a new cultural identity is known as acculturation. This can occur voluntarily or involuntarily, and is often a feature of migration.

Ethnic Change and Conflict

  • Ethnic composition of a place can change over time due to factors such as migration, birth rates, intermarriage, or changing self-identification.
  • Ethnic conflict tends to occur when there is competition for resources between different groups, or when one group seeks to assert dominance over others.
  • Often, such conflicts are not just about ethnicity, but also involve political, economic, or territorial issues.