Communicating information effectively (data visualization, infographics, charts, graphs)

Communicating information effectively (data visualization, infographics, charts, graphs)

Communicating Information Effectively

  • Effective communication of information is integral to successfully getting your message across.
  • Presenting information visually can increase understanding, retention and action.
  • A well-designed visualisation or infographic can tell a story, provide context, and display relationships amongst data.

Data Visualisation

  • Data visualisation is transforming data into a graphic representation for easier understanding.
  • A well-created data visualisation can reveal patterns, trends, and insights that might go unnoticed in text-based data.
  • Some common types of data visualisations include bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, and scatter plots.


  • An infographic is a visual representation that combines data with design to communicate complex information quickly and clearly.
  • Good infographics keep a balance between visual elements and information, ensuring that neither overwhelms the other.
  • Use of appropriate colours, fonts, icons, and images can effectively enhance communication in infographics.


  • A chart is a graphical representation of data. Charts can communicate information visually, enabling the audience to see patterns and trends.
  • Different types of charts are suitable for different types of data: bar charts for comparing quantities, line charts for showing trends over time, pie charts for representing proportions, and so on.
  • A well-designed chart is simple, clear, and thoroughly labelled to prevent misinterpretation.


  • A graph is similar to a chart but particularly relevant for displaying numeric data.
  • Line graphs show trends over time, bar graphs compare quantities, and scatter graphs show relationships between variables.
  • The choice of graph depends on the type of data and the message you’re trying to communicate. It should always prioritise clarity and ease of understanding.

Summary: Key Points

  • Understand the concepts of data visualisation, infographics, charts, and graphs, and their use in effectively communicating information.
  • Know that the choice of presentation method should be guided by the type of data and what you wish to communicate.
  • Always remember that simplicity and clarity are key; the aim is to enhance understanding, not to confuse or overwhelm.