Emergency procedures

Understanding Emergency Procedures

  • Emergency Procedures are plans of actions to be conducted in a specific way in response to emergencies like fires, severe injuries, chemical spills, etc.
  • These procedures are essential for maintaining safety and health in the transport and vehicle industry.
  • An understanding of basic first aid procedures, firefighting and evacuation procedures is vital for every worker in this industry.
  • Emergency procedures should be clearly communicated to all employees and revisited regularly.

Following Emergency Procedures

  • Treat all alarms or alerts as real emergencies; there is no such thing as a minor alarm.
  • Stay calm and follow the emergency procedure laid out by your employer – panic or ignoring the procedures can lead to serious accidents.
  • Follow all instructions from emergency services promptly and precisely when they arrive, they are trained to handle such situations.
  • As a general rule, prioritize people over property. Safe evacuation and preventing injuries is more important than trying to save property or equipment.

Responsibilities in an Emergency

  • Employers have a legal duty to establish an effective emergency procedure and communicate it to all employees.
  • Employees are required to follow the emergency procedures, participate in drills and provide feedback for improvement.
  • Always report any potential hazards or risks that you see which could lead to an emergency situation.
  • Everyone’s responsibility is to ensure their actions do not cause an emergency and put others at risk.

Effective Emergency Communication

  • Alerts and messages during emergencies should be clear, concise and understandable to all employees.
  • Verification and feedback systems should be in place to make sure all employees are accounted for during any emergency.
  • Clear communication channels should be established between the workplace, emergency services, and employees’ families.
  • Remember, during an emergency, clear and quick communication can save lives.

Importance of Emergency Procedures

  • Properly followed emergency procedures can prevent accidents, minimise harm during an emergency, and save lives.
  • They ensure a prepared and well-organised response to emergencies, reducing panic and confusion.
  • Regular drills practicing these procedures familiarise staff with their role on what to do, leading to a smooth implementation when needed.
  • They help create a safe working environment, boosting staff morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.