Pre-use checks

Pre-use Checks Overview

  • Pre-use checks, also known as pre-trip inspections, are critical safety procedures that ensure a vehicle’s roadworthiness before it is put to use.
  • These checks involve an in-depth inspection of a vehicle’s key components, helping to identify any possible faults or damages that could pose a potential threat when driving.

Key Aspects of Pre-use Checks

Bodywork and Windows

  • This includes checking for any external damages to the vehicle’s bodywork such as dents, scratches or cracks that could further deteriorate if left unattended.
  • Inspect the vehicle’s windows and mirrors for any chips, cracks, or dirt that might obstruct the driver’s view.


  • Carefully examine the vehicle’s tyres for wear and ensure they are at the correct pressure. Poor tyre conditions can lead to unsafe driving conditions and even vehicle breakdowns.
  • Don’t forget to check the spare tyre too, as you never know when you might need it.


  • Simple yet crucial, pre-use checks should always include a review of all the vehicle’s lights including headlights, taillights, brake lights, indicator lights, and hazard lights. All lights should be in working order for the vehicle to be roadworthy.

Fluid Levels

  • Checking all fluid levels is a fundamental part of pre-use vehicle checks. These fluids include oil, coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windscreen washer fluid.

Brakes and Steering

  • The vehicle’s brakes and steering must be in perfect working condition. Check for any unusual sounds or difficulty when steering or braking, if present, they could signify potentially dangerous faults.

Exhaust and Emissions

  • The vehicle’s exhaust should not have any noticeable leaks or excessive smoke. Emission control systems should also be functioning correctly to ensure your vehicle is adhering to environmental standards.

Confirmation of Checks

  • Documenting these checks and any potential issues found is not only essential for rectification but also beneficial in maintaining an accurate record of the vehicle’s health.

Always remember, pre-use checks form the foundation of responsible vehicle ownership and safe driving practices.