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Level 2 Functional Skills English AQA
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Level 2 Functional Skills English AQA
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Level 2 Functional Skills English AQA
– Topics
Compare information, ideas and opinions in different texts
Evaluate the usefulness, relevance and reliability of a text
Analyze a text, making inferences and deductions from what is written
Understand the organizational features and structures in a text, including headings and bullet points
Recognize the meaning of words in context
Identify the purpose of a text and any bias or persuasion
Understand the detail in texts of increasing complexity
Identify the main points and ideas in a text
Speaking, Listening & Communication
Participate in group dialogues and discussions
Adapt speaking for a range of tasks and purposes
Express a point of view and engage with different opinions
Communicate information, ideas, and opinions clearly, using appropriate vocabulary, tone, and structure
Listen to and respond appropriately to other points of view
Prepare for and contribute effectively to discussions
Proofread and edit writing for clarity and correctness
Use a range of techniques to present text effectively, including headings, subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs
Write in different formats, such as letters, emails, reports, articles, and leaflets
Write in a formal, persuasive, and descriptive manner
Plan, draft and organize writing
Write clearly and accurately for a range of audiences and purposes using appropriate vocabulary, punctuation, and grammar