Interpreting Animal Behaviour
Interpreting Animal Behaviour
Observation Techniques
- Direct Observation: This implies observing the animal in its natural or usual settings, recording behaviours as they occur.
- Indirect Observation: This involves the use of cameras or other recording devices to document behaviours when the presence of an observer might alter the animal’s behaviour.
- Scan Sampling: In a group setting, this technique involves rapidly scanning across all individuals in a given order at set time intervals to document behaviours.
Behavioural Indicators
- Physical Changes: Changes in an animal’s physical appearance can indicate changes in behaviour. For example, a swelling abdomen could suggest breeding behaviour in some animals.
- Vocalisation: Different sounds or vocalisations produced by animals can reveal different intentions or emotions, like aggression, fear, or happiness.
- Body Language: Understanding the body language of an animal, such as its posture, can give clues about its behavioural state.
Animal Welfare Assessment
- Behavioural Signs of Stress: Behaviours such as excessive grooming, repetitive pacing, or increased aggression can be signs of stress in an animal.
- Appetite Changes: Significant changes in eating habits can indicate distress or illness, which might be tied to behavioural issues.
- Visual Health Check: Regular checks for signs of illness or injury can help detect behavioural changes caused by physical health conditions.
Behavioural Ethology
- Innate Behaviours: These are behaviours that are naturally programmed into an animal’s genetics and don’t require learning through experience.
- Learned Behaviours: These behaviours are learned through experiences, like training or habituation.
- Social Behaviours: These are behaviours that involve interaction among individuals within a group, influencing social structure and group dynamics.
Animal Behaviour Modification
- Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding an animal immediately after it performs a desired behaviour to increase the likelihood of the behaviour occurring again.
- Negative Punishment: Withdrawing a reward immediately after an undesired behaviour to reduce the probability of that behaviour happening again.
- Positive Punishment: Implementing an unpleasant stimulus following an undesired behaviour, reducing the likelihood of its repetition.
- Negative Reinforcement: Removing an unpleasant stimulus once the animal performs the desired behaviour to encourage repeating the behaviour.