Customer Relations

Customer Relations

Knowledge of Services

  • Understand the services offered by the place of work, whether it’s a veterinary practice, animal shelter, pet shop, or zoo.
  • Have a good understanding of any product range, including animal feeds, accessories, and medication if relevant.
  • Develop a knowledge of any promotional offers or events happening at the workplace.

Communication Skills

  • Clarity in communication is key, be it face to face, on the phone or written messages.
  • Learn to use appropriate language taking into consideration the recipient’s understanding of technical terms.
  • Display active listening skills, always let the customer finish speaking before responding, and ensure you understand their needs.

Customer Service Attitude

  • Be polite and respectful to all customers, irrespective of their behaviour.
  • Show empathy to customers, particularly in stressful situations, such as a sick pet.
  • Go the extra mile when possible, exceeding customer expectations can often result in repeat business and positive reviews.

Handling Difficult Situations

  • Always stay calm and composed when dealing with a difficult or upset customer.
  • Find ways to deescalate situations, avoiding confrontations where possible.
  • Remember that complaints are an opportunity for service improvement. Always take them seriously and ask for support if needed from senior staff.


  • Be aware of the Data Protection Act 2018, it is important not to disclose any customer’s personal information without their consent.
  • Understand the business’s data handling and privacy policies to protect customers’ information.

Cultural Sensitivity

  • Treat everyone with equal respect and kindness, no matter their race, religion, age, gender or other protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Be aware of cultural differences that might influence communication, decision making, or attitudes towards animals.

Remember, customer relations are key to any successful business. Your attitude and behaviour towards customers can impact the reputation and success of the workplace.