Maintenance of Animal Accommodation

Routine Maintenance of Animal Accommodation

  • Understanding the correlation between maintaining animal accommodation and the health and well-being of animals.
  • Identifying and fixing any damage as soon as possible to prevent injury or escape attempts.
  • Establishing a regular cleaning schedule, such as daily spot cleaning and weekly deep cleaning, depending on animal species and housing conditions.
  • Comprehending the significance of cleaning materials and detergents suitable to use around different animal species to avoid any harm.
  • Regularly refreshing bedding or substrate used in enclosures based on the species-specific needs.

Health Implications of Poor Maintenance

  • Recognising the signs of disease, such as diarrhoea, loss of appetite or decreased activity, which might indicate poor maintenance.
  • Understanding that a poorly maintained environment can lead to infestations of pests or parasites, causing discomfort and health problems for the animals.
  • Knowing that stress and poor health can result from lack of maintenance, leading to behavioural problems like aggression, stereotypic behaviour or self-mutilation.

Biosecurity in Maintenance of Animal Accommodation

  • Acknowledging the role of biosecurity measures in preventing the spread of disease, such as use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and proper disposal of waste.
  • Regular disinfection of equipment and enclosures to reduce the risk of disease transmission.
  • Being cogniscent of quarantine procedures for new arrivals to prevent disease spread and stress amongst the existing animals.

Renovation and Upgrade of Animal Accommodation

  • Evaluating the need for renovations to provide improved quality of life for the animals, such as adding platforms, tunnels or other forms of environmental enrichment.
  • Prioritising upgrades based on animal’s age, health condition, and natural behaviour. For instance, older or arthritic animals might need lower perches or gentler slopes.
  • Considering animal’s behaviour and stress levels during renovation and seeking to minimise disturbance.
  • Keeping informed about evolving animal welfare standards and modifying accommodations accordingly to meet or exceed such standards.