Reason for Non-Adherence

Reason for Non-Adherence

Complexity of the Regimen:

  • A too complex or confusing health regimen can lead to non-adherence.
  • The more steps a regimen has, the harder it is to follow.
  • Lack of simplification can lead to misunderstanding or forgetting the tasks involved.

Poor Patient-Doctor Relationship:

  • An ineffective patient-doctor relationship can cause non-adherence.
  • The patient must feel comfortable discussing their concerns with the doctor.
  • If there is lack of trust or feel judged, they may be less likely to follow recommendations.

Lack of Immediate Benefits:

  • Patients may become discouraged if they don’t see immediate results from their treatment plan.
  • If the benefits are not tangible or perceivable, they may question the value of the regimen.

Side Effects of Treatment:

  • Unpleasant side effects can also cause patients to avoid treatments.
  • This is particularly true for treatments such as chemotherapy, which has severe side effects.


  • Non-adherence can come down to the issue of cost.
  • If a treatment or medication is too expensive, patients may make the decision not to follow the regimen or treatment plan.

Lack of Knowledge:

  • Patients must thoroughly understand their condition and the importance of their treatment.
  • If a patient doesn’t comprehend the consequences of non-adherence, they are less likely to keep up with their treatment.

Psychological Factors:

  • Each individual’s personal mental and emotional health plays a role in adherence.
  • Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression can lead to non-adherence.