Components and techniques for creating interactive media

Components and techniques for creating interactive media

Components of Interactive Media

Key Components

  • User interface (UI): This is the platform through which users interact with the media product. It combines visual, auditory, and tactile elements to shape the user experience.
  • Multimedia elements: These include text, images, audio, video, and animations, which serve to engage users and communicate information.
  • Interactivity features: These are elements that allow users to perform actions, such as buttons, sliders, forms, or chatbots, and help users to actively participate in the content.
  • Navigation tools: These assist users in moving throughout the media product, such as menu bars, dropdown lists, or search functions, and help users locate the information they need.
  • Feedback mechanisms: These provide users with immediate responses to their actions, e.g. error messages, success notifications, or progress indicators, to guide users and facilitate interaction.

Networking and Servers

  • Servers: Hardware or software that provide functionality for other programs or devices, crucial for web-based media and multiplayer online games.
  • Databases: Organised collections of data stored and accessed electronically, used to handle user data, game states, etc.
  • Networking protocols: Rules in the form of standards and policies that govern how data is transferred over a network or the internet.

Techniques for Creating Interactive Media

Planning and Designing

  • Wireframing: This is a schematic representation of a webpage’s layout used to plan its structure and functionality before the design process.
  • Storyboarding: A visual representation of the sequence of actions or scenes, commonly used in animation, game design, and video production.
  • User flow diagrams: These illustrate the steps a user will take to complete a task within your interactive media product.
  • A/B Testing: This involves comparing two versions of a webpage or app to see which one performs better. It’s a way to test changes to your webpage against the current design.


  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript coding: HTML structures the content, CSS styles it, and JavaScript adds the interactive elements.
  • Animation: Used to add movement to visuals, utilising software like Adobe Animate or Blender.
  • Audio and video editing: Done with software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Audacity to enhance auditory and visual elements.

Debugging and Maintenance

  • Usability testing: Involves testing the product on real users to detect any potential functionality or user experience issues.
  • Performance optimisation: Ensuring the media product loads quickly and runs smoothly, even on devices with lower computing powers.
  • Regular updates and fixes: Used to improve functionality, remove bugs, or add new features.