The Importance of Energy Supplies in the Development of Society

The Importance of Energy Supplies in the Development of Society

The Role of Energy Supplies in Social Development

  • Primary Energy Supply: These are the original, unconverted forms of energy available from natural resources. The types of primary energy supply have significantly influenced the development of societies due to their availability and ease of extraction. They include wood (biomass), coal, oil, gas, uranium, wind, solar and hydro energy.

  • Industrial Revolution: The large scale use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) drove the Industrial Revolution, paving the way for the development of modern, industrial societies. The discovery of methods to utilise these energy sources led to large scale machines and factories, transportation infrastructure, increase in productivity and expansive urbanisation.

Technological Advancements and Energy

  • Technological Growth: Technological advancements have been, and continue to be, heavily dependent on the type and quantity of energy available. Energy availability therefore influences the rate at which societies can develop new technologies.

  • Electricity: The harnessing of electricity transformed societies beyond recognition, enabling a whole host of technologies from lighting and heating to communications and computing. Electricity generation is highly reliant on energy supplies, with primary sources such as coal, gas, uranium and renewables being used to generate electricity.

  • Transport System: Development of the global transport system has been heavily influenced by energy availability, particularly in the fossil fuel form. The ability to refine petroleum into fuels like gasoline and diesel led to the invention and proliferation of cars, planes and ships.

Energy Supplies and Social Infrastructure

  • Infrastructure Development: Reliable energy supplies are crucial for the development and maintenance of social infrastructure, including healthcare, education, transport, and water and sanitation services. This is because these services need a constant supply of energy to function effectively, particularly in the form of electricity and heat.

  • Urbanisation: The growth of cities also ties into energy supplies, with the possibility of access to reliable and relatively cheap energy attracting businesses and people to urban environments. Thus, the development of societies towards urbanisation is heavily influenced by energy supplies.

Economic Growth and Energy

  • Economic Impact: The access to, and use of, energy supplies directly correlates with economic growth. Economies rely on energy supplies to run their industries and provide essential public services, hence affecting the overall socioeconomic development.

  • Energy Dependence and Security: Access to cheap and plentiful energy resources can drive economic growth, but can also make a society vulnerable to changes in availability or price of those resources. Energy security is a significant concern for all societies, as a supply disruption can cause wide-ranging economic and social impacts.

  • Resource Distribution and Conflict: The uneven geographic distribution of certain energy resources has historically been a cause for conflict as societies vie for control over these important sources. This is reflected in geopolitical power relationships and global political instabilities centred around energy resources.

Remember to pay attention to the impact of energy supplies on differing aspects of society, such as technological development, economic growth, infrastructure, and geopolitics.