Free Time Activities

“Free Time Activities” Vocabulary

  • Develop a rich vocabulary on common pastime activities such as sports (‘les sports’), arts (‘les arts’), outdoor adventures (‘les aventures en plein air’), and technology-related activities (‘les activités technologiques’).
  • Understand and learn to use verbs associated with different activities, for example, ‘jouer’ (to play), ‘peindre’ (to paint), ‘explorer’ (to explore), ‘naviguer’ (to browse).
  • Familiarise yourself with phrases used to express preference and frequency such as ‘je préfère’, ‘je déteste’, ‘souvent’, ‘parfois’, ‘jamais’.
  • Learn colloquial expressions used frequently when discussing hobbies, such as ‘se détendre’ (to chill out), ‘faire du lèche-vitrines’ (to go window shopping), or ‘faire un tour’ (to go for a ride/walk).

“Free Time Activities” Speaking

  • Practice describing your hobbies and interests in a lucid and engaging manner. Talk about why you enjoy these activities, how often you participate, or any special memories associated with them.
  • Incorporate different tenses to discuss your leisure activities - present tense for current hobbies, past tense for past interests and experiences, and future tense for things you plan or wish to do.
  • Utilise phrases to express frequency (e.g., ‘tous les jours’, ‘une fois par semaine’) and duration (e.g., ‘pendant deux heures’, ‘depuis un an’).
  • Use natural, conversational language to maintain the listener’s interest. Be spontaneous and responsive to any questions or prompts.

“Free Time Activities” Use of Language

  • Demonstrate your ability to use diverse sentence structures by using a mix of simple, compound and complex sentences.
  • Pay careful attention to agreement rules, particularly when using past participles with ‘avoir’ and ‘être’ in the compound tenses.
  • Show off your command of French idioms that fit this context, like ‘être bien dans sa peau’ (to feel good about oneself), ‘passer un bon moment’ (to have a good time).
  • Use adjectives, adverbs, and qualifiers appropriately to add detail and vividness to your descriptions.
  • Ensure your grammar and pronunciation are accurate to facilitate clear communication. Remember, fluency doesn’t mean rushing; it’s better to speak at a moderate pace allowing for clear articulation of words and phrases.