Global Issues

Global Issues: Vocabulary

  • Familiarise yourself with a variety of keywords and phrases related to global issues, like ‘le changement climatique’, ‘la pauvreté’, ‘les droits de l’homme’, etc.
  • Broaden your understanding of political terminology such as ‘le gouvernement’, ‘la démocratie’, ‘la politique étrangère’, etc.
  • Understand environmental vocabularies including ‘le réchauffement global’, ‘la pollution’, ‘la conservation’, and so on.
  • Acquaint yourself with phrases to discuss the economic factors including ‘l’économie mondiale’, ‘le chômage’, ‘la récession’ etc.

Global Issues: Speaking

  • Practice presenting developed arguments and opinions on various global issues. Make use of sentences like ‘Je suis d’accord que…‘, ‘Je ne suis pas d’accord que…’ to express agreement or disagreement.
  • Practice using different tenses depending on the context – past for any historical events, present for the current situation, and future for any predictions.
  • Utilise sentence fillers like ‘donc’, ‘cependant’, ‘d’un autre côté’ to make your speech coherent and natural.
  • Try to articulate complex ideas and thoughts by making use of varied vocabulary and a range of linguistic structures.

Global Issues: Use of Language

  • Ensure accurate usage of pronouns. e.g., ‘on doit agir’ (we must act) when discussing collective responsibilities.
  • Incorporate passive constructions like ‘Des mesures doivent être prises’ (Measures must be taken) to articulate impersonal ideas.
  • Display your proficiency by utilising a range of connectives, subjunctive verbs, and conditional verbs effectively in your narratives.
  • Apply correct gender and number agreement across different contexts, for instance, ‘une situation alarmante’ (an alarming situation).
  • Use appropriate formality or informality depending on the nature of the conversation or discourse. Judicious use of slang or colloquial phrases can also illustrate your command over the language.