Advertising and Marketing: Old Spice (Grooming Product)

Advertising and Marketing: Old Spice (Grooming Product)

The Brand and its Marketing Tactics

  • Old Spice is a grooming product company known for its innovative, humorous, and unexpected marketing strategies.
  • The company reinvented its image from an outdated and old-fashioned one to a modern and engaging brand.
  • They shifted their target demographic from older men to younger men and women.
  • Viral marketing played a significant role in their marketing campaign.

The ‘Smell Like a Man, Man’ Campaign

  • This Old Spice marketing campaign became an instant internet sensation.
  • The campaign featured “The Old Spice Guy” (Isaiah Mustafa), an attractive, confident character who powerfully personifies the brand.
  • The advertisements played on masculine stereotypes in an over-the-top and humorous way, appealing to both sexes.
  • The brand used social media platforms for immediate and contextual engagement with their audience.
  • The “responses” videos where The Old Spice Guy responded to fans’ queries, comments, or messages on social media further led to audience engagement and viral sharing.


  • Significant semiotic elements included the rugged actor, the fast-paced dialogue with unpredictable turns, and the seamless transition of scenes portraying masculinity, adventure, and power.
  • The ads began with the phrase “Look at your man, now back to me,” suggesting a comparison of the viewer’s partner with the Old Spice Guy, subtly implying that using Old Spice can make one equally attractive.
  • The seemingly continuous single-take shooting style created an absurd and dream-like reality, which added to the memorable aspects of the campaign.


  • The campaign had representation of gender norms at its core, exaggerated for comic effect and critique.
  • ‘The Old Spice Guy’ was portrayed as the ‘ultimate man’, embodying hypermasculine traits.
  • Simultaneously, the ads poked fun at these masculine stereotypes, which broadened their appeal to an audience that both identified with and found humor in such depictions.

Impact and Reception

  • The campaign was a massive success, increasing Old Spice sales and making it a reference point for innovative marketing.
  • The use of interactivity and social media marked a significant shift in advertising.
  • It was praised for its distinctive, attention-grabbing content but also criticised for solidifying masculine stereotypes.
  • It’s a great example of how brands can use semiotics, representation, and narrative to build a connection with their audience and revitalise their brand identity.