Television: Two Complete Episodes of Long Form Dramas (List A / B)

Television: Two Complete Episodes of Long Form Dramas (List A / B)

Historical Background and Context

  • Long form dramas in television format have seen an evolution since their inception, transitioning from one-off plays to serials and series.
  • The mode of broadcasting these dramas have also experienced significant changes, starting from the traditional broadcast model, to satellite television and the more recent on-demand streaming platforms.

Structure and Format

  • Long form television dramas are distinct in their episodic structure. A List A drama would typically have standalone, self-contained episodes, while a List B drama has ongoing storylines stretching across multiple episodes or even an entire season.
  • Each episode can range from 40 minutes to over an hour long, and the number of episodes in a series or season varies considerably.

Narrative Techniques and Character Development

  • These dramas use specific narrative techniques in storytelling, including cliffhangers at the end of episodes to maintain viewers’ engagement.
  • Character development is essential in long form dramas, with arcs that span over episodes or seasons reflecting character’s evolution.

Visual and Audio Elements

  • Besides the script and performances, the visual and the audio elements play a critical role in these dramas. This includes factors like cinematography, soundtracks, and costume design.
  • All these components work together to create a distinct atmosphere and tone that contribute to the drama’s storytelling.

Representation and Stereotypes

  • The representation of characters in these dramas are critical, often projected through gender, race, age, or social class portrayals.
  • Essential, however, is the understanding of how the medium can both reinforce and challenge stereotypes in their content.

Audience Reception and Feedback

  • Viewer ratings, reviews and social media discussion greatly impact the fate of these dramas. Networks and streaming platforms usually decide the continuance of a series based on these responses.
  • Fan cultures often develop around popular long form dramas, which can extend the life of the series through fan-made content, discussions or even campaigns to save a series from cancellation.

Method of Broadcasting and Production Companies

  • In this age of digital revolution, dramas are no longer confined to traditional broadcasting networks. Streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime are significant contributors to the production and distribution of long form dramas.
  • The production companies behind these dramas often hold a substantial role in their creation, often determining factors like budget, casting and location of shoot.

Impact on Cultural and Social Sphere

  • Long form dramas hold a mirror to the society they are part of, often formulating a dialogue around relevant societal issues.
  • At times, these shows are also seen impacting certain social norms and discussions, demonstrating their influence beyond the realm of entertainment.